
Kulturpark Strausberg

project, construction start

The realisation of the first construction phase of the redesign of Kulturpark in Strausberg starts in October 2024. The design is based on the competition proposal from 2021.

Link to the project page.


Elsässer Platz

Project, snapshot

The planning process based on the successful 2021 competition entry will soon be finalised. Construction work is scheduled to start at the beginning of next year. The aim is to complete the project by the end of 2026.

Link to the project page.


Europaplatz Mannheim

Competition, one 1st prize

On 12.07.2024, the jury met for the two-stage open space planning realisation competition ‘Europaplatz Mannheim’. Our design was awarded one of two 1st prizes.

Link to the competition page.


Fortress Park Emperor Franz

Project, Ground-breaking ceremony

On Tuesday 16 July 2024, the ground-breaking ceremony for the second construction phase of the Kaiser Franz Fortress Park in Coblenz will take place. Extensive renovation work will be carried out on the historic buildings and walls of the Poterne. A viewing balcony with a view of the Fortress Ehrenbreitstein will then be created on the Poterne and the pathway through the Poterne corridor will be made usable again. 

Link to the competition page.
Link to the project page.


Garden show Höxter 2023

German natural stone-award 2024, special commendation

The 'Landesgartenschau Höxter 2023' project was nominated for the 'German Natural Stone Award 2024' along with 24 other projects. The awards ceremony in five different categories took place in Nuremberg on 19 June 2024. Our project was honoured with a Special Commendation in the Open Space Design category.

Link to the project page.



Project, Opening

The official opening of Hegelplatz in Berlin-Mitte will take place on Monday, 3 June 2024 at 2 pm. The design is based on the result of the 2019 realisation competition.

Link to the project page.


Garden show Höxter 2023 / Blücherplatz Spenge

BDLA NRW Landschaftsarchitekturpreis 2024

On 15.05.2024, the award ceremony for the bdla's nrw.landschaftsarchitektur.preis 2024 took place in Essen at Zeche Zollverein. A total of 29 entries were submitted for the prize, which is awarded every two years. The 'Landesgartenschau Höxter 2023' project received a commendation and the 'Blücherplatz Spenge' project, completed in 2022, was awarded a prize.

Project page Garden show Höxter
Project page Blücherplatz Spenge



Competition, 1st prize

On 29.04.2024, the jury met for the open space planning realisation competition ‘Luchtenberg-Richartz-Park’ in Burscheid. Our design was awarded 1st prize.

​​​​​​​Link to the competition page.


Altstädter Markt

Project, in realisation

The redesign of the alstädter Markt in Rendsburg, based on the competition design from 2021, is making further progress. Completion is expected at the end of 2024.

Link to the project page



Town Centre Lengerich

Project, Opening

The official opening of the second and final construction phase of the redesign of Lengerich town center will take place on Sunday, 05.05.2024. The design is based on the result of the realization competition with the jury in spring 2019.

Link to the project page



Promenades, parks and squares

Minden / Strausberg / Berlin / Lüdenscheid / Coblenz
Tag der Städtebauförderung

On Saturday 4 May 2024, some of our projects will be presented as part of the 'Tag der Städtebauförderung'. From the planning for the Weser Promenade in Minden and the Kulturpark in Strausberg, to projects already under construction such as the forecourt of the Friedrichsfelde Central Cemetery in Berlin, to completed projects such as the Lüdenscheid Old Town and the fortress parks in Koblenz. More information can be found on the BBR website.


Garden show 2029

Rüdesheim am Rhein
Competition, 1st prize

On 08.03.2024, the jury for the open space planning competition 'Bundesgartenschau Oberes Mittelrheintal 2029, Rüdesheim am Rhein' met. Our design was awarded 1st prize. The presentation of the competition results will take place on Tuesday, 09.04.2023 at 17:00 in the Asbachhalle in Rüdesheim am Rhein. All 16 designs can then be seen as part of a 14-day exhibition.

​​​​​​​Link to the competition page.


Entrance Square Central Cemetery Friedrichsfelde

Project, Construction start

Construction of the 'Redesign of the forecourt of Friedrichsfelde Central Cemetery' will begin in April 2024. The design is based on the expert opinion process, which will be finalised in June 2021.

​​​​​​​Link to the project page.


Market Square Witzenhausen

Project, completion

The grand opening of Witzenhausen market square will take place on 22.03.2024. The design is based on the 3rd prize winning competition design of 2019.

Link to the project page.


Blücherplatz Spenge

DA! Architecture in and from Berlin

On Friday 15.03.2024, the opening of the exhibition 'DA! - Architecture in and from Berlin' takes place. Our project "Blücherplatz Spenge" will be on view as one of 60 selected works. The exhibition at the Living Berlin in Berlin-Charlottenburg is open until 13.04.2024.

Link to the project page.


Schlossplatz Detmold

project, construction start

Construction work on the redesign of Schlossplatz in Detmold will begin in February 2024. The design is based on the first prize-winning design from the 2021 competition.

Link to the project page.


Neuss Citizens' Park

Project, Snapshot

Planning for the 38-hectare Bürgerpark Neuss is in full swing. At the same time the first preparatory measures for the start of construction in spring 2024 are currently being carried out on the site of the former racecourse. Around 2,300 trees will be planted in the coming years and will form the framework for the 2026 State Garden Show. Traces of old guide rings and first construction vehicles can be seen in the light blanket of snow.

Link to the project page.



Quartier Park Lincoln-Village

Project, Snapshot

More trees for the Lincoln-Siedlung neighborhood park in Darmstadt. Opened in 2021, the park for the new urban quarter on the site of a former Lincoln Family Housing Area in the south of Darmstadt is used intensively. In the last two years, around 20 trees have been replanted and parts of the intensively used lawns have been renovated. Some pictures from what is now the third fall of the park can be found on the project page.

Link to the project page.



Garden Show Höxter 2023

project, completion

After 200 days, the Garden Show in Höxter closed its doors on Sunday, October 15, 2023. More than 600,000 people have visited the parks and open spaces covering a total of around 40 hectares in the historic ramparts, on the banks of the Weser and at Corvey Castle. Just under four years have passed since the competition was launched in early 2020. We are pleased to have made a contribution with the planning for the permanent facilities and hope that the open spaces will continue to contribute significantly to the quality of life in Höxter in the years to come.

Link to the project page.


Großer Unterwöhrd

Schwäbisch Hall
project, construction start

Construction work on the redesign of the island Großer Unterwöhrd in Schwäbisch Hall startes in September 2023. The design is based on the competition proposal for the Haalplatz and the Großere Unterwöhrd from 2018.

Link to the project page.


Market Square Neuerburg

project, construction start

Construction work on the redesign of Altstädter Markt in Rendsburg will start in August 2023. The design is based on the competition proposal from 2021.

Link to the project page.


Altstädter Markt

project, construction start

Construction work on the redesign of Altstädter Markt in Rendsburg will start in August 2023. The design is based on the competition proposal from 2021.

Link to the project page.



competition, 3rd prize

At the end of June the jury met for the open space planning competition 'Tummeplatz Graz'. Our design was awarded 3rd prize.

Link to the competition page.



Project, opening

The grand opening of Winkelriedplatz in Basel will take place on 22.06.2023 after a construction period of one and a planning period of four years. Children's disco and a colorful supporting program will attract...

Link to the project page.


Garden show Oberhessen 2027

Echzell / Gedern / Büdingen
competition, ranking

On 05.04.2023 the jury for the open space planning realisation competition 'Garden show Oberhessen 2027' met. The competition included four locations of the decentrally conceived show. Our designs for the Zukunftspark Echzell and the Schlosspark Gedern were each awarded 1st prize. Our design for the Bürgerpark Büdingen was awarded 3rd prize.

Link to Zukunftspark Echzell.
Link to Schlosspark Gedern.
Link to Bürgerpark Büdingen.


Garden Show Höxter 2023

project, opening

The opening of the Garden Show in Höxter will take place after one and a half years of construction on 20.04.2023.

Link to the project page.


Garden show Neuss

competition, 1st prize

On 02.03.2023 the jury met for the open space planning competition 'Garden show Neuss 2026'. Our design was awarded 1st prize.



Panoramic Walk Petersberghang

DA! Architecture in and from Berlin

On Friday 17.03.2023, the opening of the exhibition 'DA! - Architecture in and from Berlin' takes place. Our project "Panoramic Walk Petersberghang Erfurt" will be on view as one of 60 selected works. The exhibition at the Living Berlin in Berlin-Charlottenburg is open until 15.04.2023, Monday to Saturday, 10 am to 7 pm.

Link to the project page.



project, construction start

Construction work on the redesign of Hegelplatz in Berlin will start in April 2023. The design is based on the competition proposal from 2019.

Link to the project page.



Project, in realisation

The implementation of the Winkelriedplatz in Basel, based on the competition proposal from 2017, is progressing. The opening will take place in summer 2023.

Link to the project page.



Project, construction start

Construction work on the redesign of Weddingplatz in Berlin will start in March 2023. The design is based on the selected design from the 2020 expert review process.

Link to the projekt page.


Garden Show Höxter 2023

Project, in realisation

The implementation of the extensive outdoor facilities for the Garden Show 2023 in Höxter is progressing. The opening will take place on 20.04.2023.

Link to the project page.
