Haalplatz, Schwäbisch Hall
The density of Schwäbisch Hall's historic centre and the wide space along the Kocher river form a balanced ensemble. The Haalplatz and the Große Unterwöhrd are activated as identity-forming places in Hall's city life and emphasised as powerful links in the urban space. The new Haller Globe Theatre on Unterwöhrd will be visible from afar. A simple and open-use square space is assigned to the building. Differentiated uses and recreational facilities are located in the peripheral areas. Loosely covered with trees, the edges of the Unterwöhrd are given a high quality of lingering with a direct connection to the open stage area and the light and shady meadow. At the same time, the visual references to the surrounding city panorama are preserved and staged in an exciting way. The beer garden area on the tip of the island is accessed via a precisely fitted set of steps and ramps.