Parkbogen Ost, Leipzig

The former railway line between Leipzig's Anger-Crottendorf and Sellerhausen S-Bahn stations is both hidden and elevated above the city. The aim is to preserve the existing quality and atmosphere of the site and at the same time to develop it as a sustainable car park and to qualify it as an efficient ‘green infrastructure’. The layout, structure and details of the former railway line will form the basis for the future Parkbogen Ost across all scales. Footpaths and cycle paths are given a differentiated materiality in in-situ concrete and asphalt. The entrances and the former platforms will be uniformly materialised as squares, while loose tree plantings will slow down the multitude of movements. Barrier-free ramps and short sloping stairs take up the pathways from the neighbourhoods and integrate the park arch into the urban space. The park arch crosses various spaces of varying atmospheric character. By incorporating these, a far-reaching networked park is created for the east of Leipzig.