Coblenz Fortress

The fortifications of Koblenz Fortress and Ehrenbreitstein, which are spread across the city, including their open spaces, are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site ‘Upper Middle Rhine Valley’. Targeted open space design is intended to increase the visibility of the monuments and utilise their potential for the city's public space. The multi-layered significance of the previously fragmented ensemble forms the starting point for the treatment of the three sites (Fort Asterstein, Fort Kaiser Franz, Fort Konstantin). The ‘historical image’ of the fortifications is only one of several layers and components. Subsequent use and vacancy, demolition and regrowth, remodelling and rediscovery are also part of the history of these sites and are included in the concept. Feste Kaiser Franz and Fort Asterstein in particular, with their extensive surroundings, also have great potential at district level. The guiding principle for these sites is not the reconstruction of the historical figure, but the interplay of the layers of time in sustainable and robust history parks.

Link to the project page 'Fortress Park Fort Asterstein'.
Link to projectpage 'Festungspark Feste Franz'.